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Record Year for EuropeSpa

Twelve newly certified hotels in five countries

Wiesbaden, 11th January 2016 | In 2015 EuropeSpa, the international quality system of the European Spas Association (ESPA), could certify a total number of twelve hotels in Spain, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Croatia and Belarus with their quality certificates. “This makes the year 2015 a record year for EuropeSpa. Our demanding quality certificates for medical spa and wellness providers increasingly assert themselves on an international level”, states Dr. Kurt von Storch, CEO of EuropeSpa.

The 5-star hotel NG Afyon in the Turkish city of the same name is only the second hotel to ever have received the EuropeSpa wellness hotel certificate. With more than 1,300 different criteria covering facilities, offers, service, hygiene, safety and infrastructure it is the most comprehensive of all EuropeSpa quality certificates.

At the Turkish Riviera the 5-star hotel Sense Deluxe, which was opened in 2014, was awarded with the EuropeSpa hotel spa certificate. The exclusive Papillon Zeugma Hotel in Antalya as well as the two hotels of the group “Güral Premier Hotels & Resorts” in Belek and Tekirova were also certified with the EuropeSpa hotel spa certificate. This certificate covers more than 500 criteria in the areas of safety, hygiene, infrastructure, service and ambiance of spa areas in hotels around the world.

The Spa Centre Yunost (Morskoy) was awarded with the EuropeSpa hotel spa certificate and is the first hotel in Belarus to be certified by EuropeSpa. The hotel and its outstanding spa is located in Ratomka near the Belarusian capital city Minsk. 

On the Croatian island of Lošinj – thanks to its soothing climate also known as the “Island of Vitality” – two more hotels could be certified with the EuropeSpa hotel spa certificate. The 4-star Wellness Hotel Aurora and the 5-star Hotel Bellevue. Next to the Vitality Hotel Punta, which was already certified in 2014, now three hotels of the hotel group “Lošinj Hotels & Villas” are certified with the EuropeSpa hotel spa certificate for their high quality level.

In the Czech Republic the number of hotels certified by EuropeSpa increased, too. The Aura Palace Spa & Wellness Hotel is the first hotel in the world-famous spa town Carlsbad to receive the EuropeSpa med certificate for infrastructure, safety, medical spa treatments as well as local remedies, kitchen and service. The 4-star-superior Spa Hotel Dvořák in Carlsbad was also awarded with the EuropeSpa med certificate – in time for its 25th anniversary. It is the first hotel of the international hotel group “Vienna International” that was certified by EuropeSpa.

As of 2015 there are once again two certified hotels in Spain. Termas de Cuntis, the largest thermal spa in Galicia, and its two 4-star hotels La Virgen and Castro do Balneario received the EuropeSpa med certificate.

Likewise EuropeSpa could further expand its training network in 2015. Next to the established training course that takes place annually right before the ITB in Berlin EuropeSpa this year carried out training courses in Wiesbaden, Minsk (Belarus) and Dubai (Arab Emirates).

“We would like to welcome all hotels that have been certified in 2015. With their certification they all have proven their outstanding quality in an international comparison,” states Dr. Kurt von Storch. EuropeSpa expects a good growth for the year 2016, too. In January, two new certifications in Poland are already scheduled.