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From 9 – 10 June 2022 the Quhep Summer Camp 2022, the international Medical Spa Conference and Barcamp & Workshop of the associatioin Quality in Health Prevention e.V. was carried out in Birštonas, Lithuania.

Wiesbaden June, 14th 2022 From 9 – 10 June 2022 the Quhep Summer Camp 2022, the international Medical Spa Conference and Barcamp & Workshop of the associatioin Quality in Health Prevention e.V. was carried out in Birštonas, Lithuania. 25 tourism experts from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Romania, the Netherlands and Germany attended.

The following topics were discussed during the ...


80 experts from 16 countries meet in Wiesbaden

Wiesbaden Dec, 14th 2021 The motto of this year's European Health Prevention Day was Health and Travel - New Challenges for Health Tourism. With the support of the City of Wiesbaden, the congress took place for the first time in the Wiesbaden Kurhaus in the historic Christian Zais Hall, which is one of the most beautiful halls in the Rhine-Main area. The congress is aimed at experts in health tourism in particular representatives of hotels and clinics, tour operators, travel agencies and health insurances. 

Please find a detailed program and a ...


M2 ORGANIZATION AND CONSULTANCY represents EuropeSpa in Turkey as a consultant and is the contact for the Turkish hotels and clinics regarding the international EuropeSpa certifications of the European Spa Association.

Wiesbaden April, 10th 2021 I M2 ORGANIZATION AND CONSULTANCY represents EuropeSpa in Turkey as a consultant and is the contact for the Turkish hotels and clinics regarding the international EuropeSpa certifications of the European Spa Association.

M2 and EuropeSpa med & wellness GmbH have entered into a cooperative agreement to strengthen and build capacity in medical tourism ...


Health and Travel - Markets and Opportunities

Wiesbaden May, 14th 2019 |Hardly any tourism segment offers such diverse opportunities in business development as health tourism. The reason for this is that virtually every destination based on the local natural health resources can define a strong USP and thus be able to address the most promising group of guests. That was an important outcome of last year's European Health Prevention Days by Quality in Health Prevention e.V. (short Quhep).

Following last year´s discussion this year´s topic on III. European Health Prevention Day 18 + 19th ...


First hotel in China with EuropeSpa certification

Wiesbaden/China, March 2019 | The 5 star GREE DONG'AO HOTEL ***** is the first hotel in the Asia-Pacific region to receive the international quality certificate EuropeSpa hotel spa.

The hotel is located on Dong'ao Island in the center of the Wanshan Archipelago, bordering Hong Kong and Macau. Only 19 nautical miles from downtown Zhuhai (about 50 minutes by car), it has an area of ​​4.66 square kilometers with a total coastline of 15.93 km and a permanent population of 600 inhabitants. In 2017, Dong'ao Island was designated a national nature ...


One of the most beautiful hotels in Karlovy Vary has been awarded the international quality standard EuropeSpa med.

Wiesbaden / Czech Republic, September 19, 2018 | One of the most beautiful hotels in Karlovy Vary has been awarded the international quality standard EuropeSpa med. The Quality Certificate of the European Spas Association is the most demanding award given in the field of medical spas in Europe. It is based on the most difficult and comprehensive test available for this area. The hotel proves that it not only meets high international quality standards, but also belongs to the ...


More than 80 participants from 20 countries

Wiesbaden, 29 November 2017. The first European Health Prevention Day took place on 23 and 24 November 2017 at the IHK in Wiesbaden. More than 80 participants from 20 countries met to discuss different topics of prevention, treatment and health in the context of health politics and health tourism. The conference was organized in light of the development of a European market in the health sector: People are increasingly spending their health-related stays abroad, most of them privately financed. In part, the costs may also be covered by health ...


Certification Initiative by Hungarian Tourism Agency and European Spas Association

Bük/Wiesbaden, 5 May 2017 | Four Hungarian Thermal Spas have been honoured with a special award today. The Thermal Spa in Bük, the Zsóry Thermal Bath and Spa, the Hotel Spa Hevíz with the Thermal Spa in Hevíz as well as the famous Széchenyi Thermal Spa in Budapest received their EuropeSpa quality certificates at a festive ceremony in Bük/Hungary today. All four spa facilities successfully passed the challenging EuropeSpa audits in this year’s February. EuropeSpa is the international quality system of the ...


Exclusive Cooperation between EuropeSpa and the marketing platform "meinpep"

All providers certified by EuropeSpa have the opportunity to enter a cooperation with "meinpep" in order to convince tourism professionals of their facilities and, thus, to increase visibility and popularity.

About meinpep
Meinpep is a German travel portal and marketing platform addressing only professionals of the travel industry and hotel business – reaching more than 10,000 travel agencies in Germany. They offer multipliers from the tourism industry exclusive travel packages at discounted rates so that they can ...


International quality requirements for Wellness and Spa facilities

EuropeSpa will offer a two-day training course about quality in wellness and spa  facilities on March 6th and 7th 2017 (prior to ITB) in Potsdam (near Berlin). It is held in English and addresses mainly managers in Spas and Hotels as well as consultants. Participants will have the opportunity to pass a test after the course in order to obtain the „EuropeSpa Expert“ certificate. The course fees also include a one-day voucher for visiting ITB, which starts the day after the seminar. 

Dr. Kurt von Storch, EuropeSpa CEO, will ...
