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Eisenmoorbad clinics join the ranks of Europe’s top health resorts

Seal of quality of the European Spas Association confirms outstanding quality and safety

Wiesbaden/Bad Schmiedeberg, 8 October 2012 | The fact that quality always prevails was recently proven by the clinics at Eisenmoorbad. During their latest EuropeSpa audit, director Deddo Lehmann and his team demonstrated that over the past three years, the standards of quality and safety at their health resort have been raised yet again. Of the 41 certified clinics in various countries, the rehabilitation clinics at Eisenmoorbad Bad Schmiedeberg now rank fifth and sixth. Accordingly, in terms of quality and safety they are among the best facilities for health cures and medical wellness in Europe.

During the local audit, EuropeSpa’s experts assessed not just the medical services provided but also every aspect of the health resort. “I think it’s outstanding that the Eisenmoorbad rehabilitation clinic has managed to improve its already very good audit results this year. This underlines that the EuropeSpa seal isn’t just a quality certificate, but also shows organizations how they can become even better,” explained EuropeSpa CEO Kurt von Storch. And director Deddo Lehmann declared: “Recertification with the EuropeSpa med seal provides neutral testimony that we won’t be satisfied with anything less than the very highest standards of quality – and that we’ll never rest on our laurels.”

A health resort with a proud heritage
Eisenmoorbad Bad Schmiedeberg is a peat, mineral and Kneipp spa with a long history. Since as long ago as 1878, orthopaedic, rheumatic and gynaecological disorders have been successfully treated with peat from the Dübener Heide (Düben Heath) region in central Germany. Nowadays, the range of natural remedies in Bad Schmiedeberg is augmented by two valuable medicinal waters and the noble gas radon. Mind you, the health resort has also made a name for itself as a Kneipp spa. The Kneipp therapy centre with its covered Kneipp garden is unique in Germany, for marigold and yarrow bloom there even in winter. Yet the hallmark of Bad Schmiedeberg is the lovingly restored Art Nouveau assembly rooms. The beautiful heathland, woodlands and meadows making up Dübener Heide, the neighbouring Wörlitz Park with its neoclassical buildings, renowned east German cities nearby such as Dresden and Leipzig, and a wealth of opportunities for relaxation and fitness make staying at Eisenmoorbad Bad Schmiedeberg an unforgettable experience.

International, uniform – and unmatched quality
EuropeSpa is the seal of quality of the European Spas Association and the only certification procedure which enables the international comparison of uniform criteria throughout Europe. The seal comes in two types: EuropeSpa med for hotels and clinics at health resorts, and EuropeSpa wellness for spas and wellness providers. Currently around 50 organizations from 11 European countries are involved in the EuropeSpa certification process.

Raising and verifying quality
EuropeSpa certification enables providers to effectively and critically demonstrate their high standards of quality. The EuropeSpa criteria show organizations which are not yet certified how they can achieve outstanding quality in the areas of safety, hygiene and services. Some European health insurance companies (e.g. Techniker Krankenkasse in Germany) use EuropeSpa certification as a criterion when recommending health resorts.

More information on Eisenmoorbad | Bad Schmiedeberg
Eisenmoorbad - Bad Schmiedeberg Kur GmbH
Uwe Hesse | Kurpromenade 2 | 06905 Bad Schmiedeberg | Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 34925 62046 | Email: