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M2 ORGANIZATION AND CONSULTANCY represents EuropeSpa in Turkey as a consultant and is the contact for the Turkish hotels and clinics regarding the international EuropeSpa certifications of the European Spa Association.

Wiesbaden April, 10th 2021 I M2 ORGANIZATION AND CONSULTANCY represents EuropeSpa in Turkey as a consultant and is the contact for the Turkish hotels and clinics regarding the international EuropeSpa certifications of the European Spa Association.

M2 and EuropeSpa med & wellness GmbH have entered into a cooperative agreement to strengthen and build capacity in medical tourism ...

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First hotel in China with EuropeSpa certification

Wiesbaden/China, March 2019 | The 5 star GREE DONG'AO HOTEL ***** is the first hotel in the Asia-Pacific region to receive the international quality certificate EuropeSpa hotel spa.

The hotel is located on Dong'ao Island in the center of the Wanshan Archipelago, bordering Hong Kong and Macau. Only 19 nautical miles from downtown Zhuhai (about 50 minutes by car), it has an area of ​​4.66 square kilometers with a total coastline of 15.93 km and a permanent population of 600 inhabitants. In 2017, Dong'ao Island was designated a national nature ...

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One of the most beautiful hotels in Karlovy Vary has been awarded the international quality standard EuropeSpa med.

Wiesbaden / Czech Republic, September 19, 2018 | One of the most beautiful hotels in Karlovy Vary has been awarded the international quality standard EuropeSpa med. The Quality Certificate of the European Spas Association is the most demanding award given in the field of medical spas in Europe. It is based on the most difficult and comprehensive test available for this area. The hotel proves that it not only meets high international quality standards, but also belongs to the ...

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Exclusive Cooperation between EuropeSpa and the marketing platform "meinpep"

All providers certified by EuropeSpa have the opportunity to enter a cooperation with "meinpep" in order to convince tourism professionals of their facilities and, thus, to increase visibility and popularity.

About meinpep
Meinpep is a German travel portal and marketing platform addressing only professionals of the travel industry and hotel business – reaching more than 10,000 travel agencies in Germany. They offer multipliers from the tourism industry exclusive travel packages at discounted rates so that they can ...

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ITB 2016

EuropeSpa at the world’s largest travel trade show in Berlin

From 9 to 13 March 2016 the international tourism industry will gather once again at the occasion of the ITB in Berlin. This year is a special year as the world's leading travel trade show is celebrating its 50th anniversary. As usual, you can find EuropeSpa at the booth of our partner, the German travel trade magazine Touristik Aktuell, in hall 25, stand 176. More information on exhibitors, events and tickets on the ITB website.

Like in previous years EuropeSpa offers a 2-day training course about Quality in Wellness and Spa ...

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Twelve newly certified hotels in five countries

Wiesbaden, 11th January 2016 | In 2015 EuropeSpa, the international quality system of the European Spas Association (ESPA), could certify a total number of twelve hotels in Spain, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Croatia and Belarus with their quality certificates. “This makes the year 2015 a record year for EuropeSpa. Our demanding quality certificates for medical spa and wellness providers increasingly assert themselves on an international level”, states Dr. Kurt von Storch, CEO of EuropeSpa.

The 5-star hotel NG Afyon in the Turkish city of the ...

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Blog on specialised medical spa and wellness topics

Wiesbaden, May 8, 2015 | As of now EuropeSpa offers a blog on special interest medical spa and wellness topics on this website. The blog in English language is available here. It is primarily aimed at professionals in the medical spa and wellness industry.

Apart from posts on balneology and spa medicine the blog also addresses aspects from marketing and quality management in medical spa and wellness. The first blog posts by EuropeSpa CEO Dr. Kurt von Storch are dedicated to natural local remedies and thermal water. “For us the new blog is a ...

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EU-funded project unites thermal spa culture with Roman tradition and history

Wiesbaden/Rome, November 21, 2014 | EuropeSpa develops a criteria catalogue for the Roman Thermal Spas of Europe combining elements of quality checks on safety and hygiene with a destination check. Today the criteria catalogue was presented to all project partners in Rome. The next step is to conduct test audits among all eight partners in Europe to further refine and finalize the criteria set. It will be published to the public in the end of 2015.

“The new criteria set is an innovative product combining our ...

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Booth at world’s leading travel show from March 5th to 7th, 2014

Wiesbaden, February 5th, 2014 | This year EuropeSpa participates in ITB Berlin again. You can find us from March 5th to March 7th  at the joint booth with our partner Touristik Aktuell: hall 25, booth 177.

We are looking forward to meeting you at our booth. Fore more information on ITB and to access the hall plan please click here.

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Internationally valid quality and safety criteria for health and medical wellness listed in a comprehensive compendium

Stuttgart/Wiesbaden, 3 September 2012 | The European Spas Association has published the EuropeSpa med criteria for medical spas and medical wellness providers. The book Quality Standard for Medical Spas and Medical Wellness Providers in Europe (ISBN 978-3-510-65273-0, 181 pages, 25 x 17 cm, printed in two colours, German/English, hardback, €79.90) was unveiled today by publishing house Schweizerbart Verlag ( in Stuttgart.

For the first time, this ...

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