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Sabrina Mohtadi
Marketing & Communications
+49 (0)6122 5333 973

Boost Populartiy and Recommendations

Exclusive Cooperation between EuropeSpa and the marketing platform "meinpep"

All providers certified by EuropeSpa have the opportunity to enter a cooperation with "meinpep" in order to convince tourism professionals of their facilities and, thus, to increase visibility and popularity.

About meinpep
Meinpep is a German travel portal and marketing platform addressing only professionals of the travel industry and hotel business – reaching more than 10,000 travel agencies in Germany. They offer multipliers from the tourism industry exclusive travel packages at discounted rates so that they can get to know travel destinations all across the world.

The advantages for providers
All providers certified by EuropeSpa have the opportunity to work with meinpep. They put together an individual package comprising accommodation, treatments and, for example, a tour through their facilities at a reduced rate that tourism professionals can book via meinpep.

  • Tourism professionals who have seen and experienced facilities first-hand are more likely to recommend them to their customers
  • Participating providers will benefit from an increase in awareness and popularity
  • Plus, they make use of vacancies otherwise left unexploited (especially during off-season)
  • Additional marketing measures by meinpep will further contribute to a rise in awareness and visibility in the B2B sector. These include the presentation on the meinpep website, advertisements in the German travel trade magazine “touristik aktuell”, appearance in the meinpep newsletter, social media and print material..

If you are interested in entering a cooperation with meinpep, simply let us know via e-mail.