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EuropeSpa to Develop Criteria Catalogue for Roman Thermal Spas of Europe

EU-funded project unites thermal spa culture with Roman tradition and history

Wiesbaden/Rome, November 21, 2014 | EuropeSpa develops a criteria catalogue for the Roman Thermal Spas of Europe combining elements of quality checks on safety and hygiene with a destination check. Today the criteria catalogue was presented to all project partners in Rome. The next step is to conduct test audits among all eight partners in Europe to further refine and finalize the criteria set. It will be published to the public in the end of 2015.

“The new criteria set is an innovative product combining our established criteria on quality aspects with the brand promises of the involved thermal bath destinations of Roman origin”, says EuropeSpa CEO Dr. Kurt von Storch.  “The result is a strong foundation for the Roman Thermal Spas of Europe brand”.

The EU-funded project Roman Thermal Spas of Europe unites eleven European partners. Its goal is to develop and market new travel packages in international co-operation for thermal bath destinations united by their Roman heritage. The partners involved are the communities of Aidipsos (Greece), Badenweiler (Germany), Baile Herculane (Romania), Budapest (Hungary), Chaves (Portugal), Chianciano (Italy), Dax (France) and Hisarya (Bulgaria).  The experts of EuropeSpa and the travel operator Fit Reisen, developing the travel packages, complete the team. Initiator and coordinator of the project is the European Spas Association (ESPA).

About EuropeSpa

EuropeSpa is the official quality system of the European Spas Association and the only cross-border certification system for medical spa, spa and wellness in Europe. It provides transparency in the European medical spa and wellness market and therefore the base for fair competition. The EuropeSpa certificates provide orientation for health insurances, tour operators and travel agents as well as consumers about providers having an international quality level. The  EuropeSpa system consists of criteria catalogues, certificates, and according trainings and seminars.

More information on the project is available online: