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Four EuropeSpa Quality Certificates for Hungarian Thermal Spas

Certification Initiative by Hungarian Tourism Agency and European Spas Association

Bük/Wiesbaden, 5 May 2017 | Four Hungarian Thermal Spas have been honoured with a special award today. The Thermal Spa in Bük, the Zsóry Thermal Bath and Spa, the Hotel Spa Hevíz with the Thermal Spa in Hevíz as well as the famous Széchenyi Thermal Spa in Budapest received their EuropeSpa quality certificates at a festive ceremony in Bük/Hungary today. All four spa facilities successfully passed the challenging EuropeSpa audits in this year’s February. EuropeSpa is the international quality system of the European Spas Association (ESPA) for medical spa, thermal spa and wellness facilities assessing safety, hygiene, infrastructure, and the quality of therapies and services.

„The audits revealed that all facilities are of the highest quality. The certifications strengthen the position of Hungary as a high-quality destination for health, medical spa, and spa tourism in Europe“, said ESPA honorary Secretary General and Chairman of the European Quality in Health Prevention e.V. network (Quhep), Joachim Lieber, at the award ceremony. Szabolcs Juhász, Director Health Tourism at the Hungarian Tourism Agency, underlined the significance of the European quality seal for Hungary as a medical spa and spa destination. „By choosing EuropeSpa we went for the most demanding quality audit in Europe to make our quality visible and allow for transparent comparison within Europe.“

The certification initiative is a joint project of the Hungarian Tourism Agency and the European Spas Association. It is meant to serve as a starting point for additional audits in other facilities in order to further strengthen Hungary’s position as a health and medical spa destination. The newly certified facilities can now use the quality seal for three years. They will also have access to the European Quality in Health Prevention e.V. (Quhep) platform. Furthermore, they will be highlighted as certified facilities in the catalogues of tour operators specialized in European medical spa and health tourism.