Cosmetic treatments are a special trust issue. This concerns consulting and a professional approach as well as the equipment used and cleanliness and hygiene – in other words basically everything in the spa beauty area.
1) How big should the room be? Answer: Sufficiently big in order not to indicate narrowness but also not too big so that the guest doesn’t feel lost. The room should be bright und illuminated with indirect light.
2) Cleanliness, hygiene and professionalism in the beauty area are best represented by the colour white, so it should dominate.
3) It should go without saying that the whole interior, the equipment and instruments must be clean and undamaged and that everything is very neatly arranged. The decor should be modest and simple. The room should not be packed with items and instruments as this appears very untidy and unorganised.
4) When entering, the guest should have a view on something nice and positive (nature, a park or garden, etc.). Where this is not possible, they should see the cosmetic products available or at a nice picture.
5) The beauty couch should be in the centre of the room. It should never be positioned with the back to the door but, instead, ideally positioned directly towards or transversely to the door.
6) The cosmetic products should be presented to the guest in a way that signals generosity. Too many products give the impression to be in a shop and that business is paramount. If the containers and instruments show clear traces of usage the guest will unconsciously feel as if they will be “worked with”.
7) The cosmetician wears bright clothes. The forearm is exposed. Women should wear as little makeup as possible. The fingernails should be short. If the hair is longer than shoulder length it should be tied back. Jewellery should generally not be worn. They are always friendly and have a professional appearance.
8) As opposed to wellness treatments in general where staff limits the dialogue with the guest to a minimum the latter is of utmost importance during a beauty treatment. The cosmetician explains what they are going to do and what comes next. Thus, they enter the role of a kind of confidante who gives advice and is unobtrusive at the same time. The art is to, metaphorically, turn “the cold white into a warm white” in order to win the guests’ trust.
Photo credit: © Hilton Dalaman Sarigerme Resort & Spa, Turkey
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