Spas unwind your body, tranquil your mind and invigorate your soul.
Ancient cultures believed that imbalances between body and mind were the main reason for illnesses and different forms of health-related problems.
Spas unwind your body, tranquil your mind and invigorate your soul.
Ancient cultures believed that imbalances between body and mind were the main reason for illnesses and different forms of health-related problems.
After dealing with the right design and set-up of the treatment rooms in a spa we continue today with another very popular area: the spa swimming pool. What makes it different to a normal swimming pool?
Guest Contribution on spas on cruise ships by EuropeSpa Consultant Jovana Redžić who has worked as a spa therapist on cruise ships for several years and now back ashore runs her own day spa in Belgrade.
When we want to go on a vacation, we usually look for full relaxation, sun, sea and sand. What’s a better way than having it all together by taking a cruise, enjoying the spa onboard and at the same time visit several countries in only a couple of days. Read more
In past posts we have covered the design of the reception as well as important elements to consider in the changing rooms. Today we move on to one of the most important rooms in a spa: the spa treatment rooms.